I’m not sure if this is surprising to anyone or not, but I get a lot of questions from random internet people about the Changli. How is it so cheap, they wonder? Is it street legal? How fast can it go? Is it difficult keeping away all the people who see you in it and wish to have some manner of sex with you? They’re all valid questions. The two most common ones, though, I think are also the most important for modern life: can it carry a shitty canoe and is it piñata-proof? Today, I will answer those questions. For the canoe test, I heaved my crappy canoe onto the Changli’s equally-crappy roof rack. I also feel that, in the interests of full disclosure, my canoe is so shitty it once made a person on the internet mad: Just so you know the whole story, I replied back to this dude and found that he was an ex-editor of Canoeing magazine, and had sent the email from a boat in the middle of the Pacific! Just think about that for a second. Anyway, as you can see in the video, if you have to move a canoe somewhere within about 25 miles and at speeds of about 20 mph, then the Changli can absolutely handle it. So, I say canoe test passed. Now, for the piñata. David very kindly got me that piñata for my 50th birthday (holy shit, that still feels so very wrong) so we decided to see how the Changli did as a alternate piñata-breaker. Turns out, not so hot. We rigged up a sort of lance, and attempted to strike the piñata from where we rigged it hanging over the street. I think I missed it with the lance, so it impacted right on the flimsy roof rack, causing a big dent. Then, I tried just running into it, and while that breached the piñata’s tough outer shell, it also broke the very shitty tack-welds on the bumper. No worries, though! The Changli is resilient, and the roof rack was hand-bent back into shape, and a couple of sheet metal screws took care of the bumper. Good as new! As far as the piñata goes, my kid Otto and some of his neighborhood pals settled its hash, but good. I think one of the kids called it a “miata,” which makes it all even better. Anyway, I hope this helps all of you out there struggling with trying to find out these important Changli facts. As always, I’m here to serve you truth. And, if you’re in the area when I run over a piñata, candy.