We get a lot of story idea emails from PR people and they're usually something along the lines of "Hey, we think this would be a great story for you" and, with a few exceptions, they're almost universally wrong. No we do not care about your new advanced windshield wiper fluid. But you know what we do care about? Steak-umms. And NASCAR. This story has both. As you all well know nothing gets our juices flowing like some good NASCAR racing. And meat? We don't like it unless it's presliced and prefrozen. We like our our food to come out of a box and panfried just like we prefer our cars turning left and left and left. The pseudo-meaty press release below the jump.
Real Steak-umms PR Email I thought you might be interested in this -
Dale Earnhardt Inc. announced today that they have secured Steak-umm
Company LLC as a primary sponsor on the No. 8 and No. 01 Chevrolets
for select races during the 2008 season. Steak-umm's entry into the
sponsorship arena coincides with the company's introduction of
Steak-umm Burgers, a new line of frozen burgers available in Original,
Sweet Onion and Real Cheese varieties.Steak-umm will also serve as an associate sponsor on the No. 8 car for
the full 2008 season. The Steak-umm brand has been a fixture in
supermarket freezer departments for over four decades.Would you be interested in more information or an interview with Dale
Earnhardt Inc. or Steak-umm? Please let me know. Thanks.
Kind Regards,(REDACTED)
We'll let you know if we get that interview.