A monster truck performing at an airshow in Chihuahua, Mexico, killed at least eight people and injured seriously dozens more when it lost control and plowed into a crowd.
More than 40 remain in the hospital in the aftermath of the accident, according to the AP. From the video above it's clear that the throttle was pinned somehow, but right now it's a little unclear as to the cause. An investigation into a mechanical failure is underway, but witnesses are also reporting that it appears that the driver hit his head on the frame of the truck, and he was incapacitated during the incident.
Though he was wearing a helmet initially, witnesses said that it was dislodged upon impact.
The aftermath of the crash can be seen here (again, a warning that it is graphic):
The local health system has posted this message on its Facebook page:
URGENTE. Solicitamos varias unidades de sangre de cualquier tipo para atender a las personas que han ingresado en los últimos momentos a la Sala de emergencias en el Hospital Cima.
- al menos 6 horas de ayuno
- No estar enfermo, ni bajo tratamiento médico
- No haber padecido Hepatitis
- Mayores de edad
POR FAVOR NO ACUDIR SI NO CUMPLE CON ESTOS REQUISITOS.La afluencia al Hospital se ha incrementado y es necesario dejar espacio sólo para los involucrados.Gracias por su apoyo
The gist of it is that they need blood donations, and a lot of them.
Of course, we'll update you as we get more information.
H/t to Kamus and NickDavisGB!
[UPDATE]: The death toll has risen to 13, and reports are coming in saying that a Molotov cocktail was thrown at an unrelated truck. (Thanks Scartto!)