Slot Car Wall Art: Where Functionality And Design Meet

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Because we share a small apartment in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood, we've never quite had the space to install our own ultimate slot car track. In fact, we've yet to install any kind of slot car track in the apartment. We've got this guy to thank for providing a solution that meets our space requirements while also addresses the excess of whitespace on our walls. According to the creator, the Slot Car Wall Sculpture layouts are "practically infinite," which is funny considering his current version is a lemniscate.

Here's how he describes it:

Slot Car Wall Sculpture:
This is just a small example of the idea. Old HO Slot Cars and Track are easily found online. This set up [about half of the track I got] cost me around $100. Track layouts are practically infinite. Its just hanging there so I can take it down, plug it in and enjoy the excitement of Slot Car Racing *anytime.

This might interfere with posting. (Thanks to Dan for the tip) [x818]
