The Silicon Valley gazillionaire of concern today is Jan Koum, now ex-CEO and co-founder of WhatsApp, a Facebook subsidiary. Koum, according to the Washington Post, is peacing out over the usual complaints of “strategy” and “Facebook’s attempts to use its personal data and weaken its encryption.” But importantly, he’s already got a backup plan and it involves air-cooled Porsches.
In an “emotional” Facebook post, Koum laid out some of the activities he’ll be pursuing to keep himself busy following his exit of the company. Activities like playing Frisbee and becoming the Ultimate Air-Cooled Porsche Man.
See? Just like you and me when we walk out of our jobs over philosophical differences. Spending time outdoors is good for the soul, as is working on your own vehicles and collecting rare German sports cars.
You know, it’s great that Koum is investing some of his fabulous wealth in the air-cooled Porsche market. It’s a niche that really no one pays attention to and the cars are suffering because of it. Perhaps he’ll be able to save the Porsches.