Sell Out! 2,800 Take Ford Buyout

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Pop quiz, hotshot: your employer wants to axe 30,000 jobs and close 14 plants in the next six years. You can take two years leave (if you're up to 28 years of service) and then get 85% of your pay in retirement, take a $100,000 buyout, or get $15,000 a year for four years of tuition with half your pay and medical benefits. What do you do? Take the money, fool! And that's what 2,800 Ford and Visteon employees have already done. Only 2,800, with that education deal? They're paying you to train yourself for a new job! 63% percent of the takers opted for the early retirement deal, meaning lots of crotchety old dudes'll be spending more time at the local fishing hole.

Nearly 2,800 opt for Ford buyouts [freep]

The $100,000 Question: Take the Ford Employee Buyout? [internal]