Our source, who we'll just call Deep Pelvis, hipped us that Lovecraft Biofuels is going nationwide. Details are sketchy, 'cause Deep Pelvis cares as much about cars as OJ does about finding the real killer. But here's what we know for certain; "They're opening up ten stores, one in Seattle, and Portland... uh, Houston. I'll tell you the rest tomorrow." Following that bombshell we learned, "The chick that opened up all the American Apparel stores — she's putting it all together." And there you have it. So, if you happen to live in one of the three cities mentioned (or, like, Chicago, possibly) dust off that M-B 300D Wagon filled with all your old high school junk that's rotting away peacefully in your folks' garage and covert it to run on french fry grease. Why the hell not? And yes, that's Donita Sparks from L7 and her Lovecraft Biofuel conversion. No, she's not Deep Pelvis. Remember Jalopniks, you read it here first.
Greasecar Dealership in Los Angeles [Internal]