Schrempp Diablo? No Sympathy for the Juergen

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Although J rgen Schrempp, he of umlaut and ego, avoided a no-confidence vote earlier this month, investors are still hopping mad at the man who planned to make DCX the world's #1 automaker. We can almost hear DWS Investment fund manager Klaus Kaldemorgen saying of the current situation at Mercedes, "First you shoot yourself in das Knie, zen you call zee Doktor." Somebody take away J rgen's Luger before he kneecaps himself again.
-Davey G. Johnson

[Note to Gawker HQ: Curse you for saddling us with a headline font that doesn't do umlauts! We bet Defamer's headline font does umlauts...]


Mercedes now weak link in DCX chain; chairman's dream to be No. 1 in jeopardy [AutoWeek]


DaimlerChrysler Chairman Lost in Stuttgart After Mercedes Nav System Meltdown [Internal]
