In a move shocking to Indiana residents and racing fans alike, Jim Nabors announced that he will be unable to attend the Indy 500 and sing Back Home in Indiana due to illness. Race fans in attendance and from around the world will be encouraged to sing in place of the heartland crooner via a live video satellite feed from his home in Hawaii. Brush up on the lyrics now for race day.
Back home again in Indiana
And it seems that I can see
The gleaming candlelight still burning bright
Thro' the sycamores for me
The new mown hay sends all its fragrance
Through fields I used to roam
When I dream
About the moonlight on the Wabash
How I long for my Indiana home
Nabors To Miss Indy Due To Illness - Fans To Sing 'Back Home Again' []
Parnelli Jones Back at Brickyard [Internal]