Remember that Saturn display at the NY auto show, the one that projected the Saturn Sky's internals on its body in a dark room, making it look like x-ray vision? (See above if you don't.) According to AdAge, Saturn dealers will soon use the same system in their showrooms. The projection app is the product of Obscura Digital, a video production house specializing in "immersive content." It's not an entirely new idea, as Autoblog points out, shoe stores once used the fluoroscope as a fitting aid, before everyone got radiation poisoning from it. Of course Saturn's system will be entirely fluorine free. But they of course can't guarantee some joker isn't walking around with a wad of einsteinium in his jeans.
Why You May Be Using X-Ray Vision the Next Time You Go Car Shopping [AdAge via Autoblog]
Jalopnik V rit : The In-Visible Saturn Sky in New York [internal]