Russian built UAZ 3741 is surprisingly awesome

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Although it seems there is a never ending shortage of terrible custom cars pouring out of Russia, every once in a while we come across one we think is pretty cool. This UAZ 3741 fits the bill for a custom Russian creation we can fully support.

Starting with a UAZ 3741—the 4x4 cargo van derived from the UAZ 452—several extreme modifications were made including turning the van body into a pickup truck, removing the 4x4 and installing an unidentified engine in the bed (can anyone identify it?).

Russians refer to the stock UAZ 3741 as the Bukhanka or loaf because of the van's bread like shape. This particular UAZ 3741 now bears little resemblance to the stock vehicle or a loaf of bread. We're not crazy about the paint or the wheels but it's hard not to appreciate something this weird and cool—especially when it does burnouts.


[ via EnglishRussia]