Russia: Where A Rolls Royce Is Trackside Garbage

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Communism fading into the past, Russia has become one of the most decadent consumer markets in the world. Want some proof? Here's a customized $450,000 Rolls Royce Centurion left as garbage by the side of a commuter rail line.

With its gangster overtones, the Centurion isn't exactly a classy lady. As a thoroughly garish reworking of the Rolls Royce Phantom, it's fit only for the most ostentatious of super-luxe buyers — just perfect for the burgeoning class of Nouveau-riche plutocrats infesting Russia these days. Despite its stench of new money, no Rolls deserve a fate of being discarded beside the train tracks along with old tires and various detritus, apparently disabled or crashed in place.

We'd bet a fancy Buffalo nickel there's something nefarious going on here. [EnglishRussia]