Royal Oak Meetup At Noir Leather's Free "Bikini Car Wash"

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Ladies and gentlemen of the Detroit metro area: Interested in getting a car wash from models decked out in the latest fetish fashions of Noir Leather while meeting Jalopnik staff? Okay, we know one's a bigger draw than the other.

Here's the particulars, folks: We're joining Noir Leather, a shop riding the edge of fashion and fetish in Royal Oak, for a "free" car wash mated to a Jalopnik meetup. At the show car wash there will be lovely ladies outfitted in Noir's latest swimwear and getting your car all sudsy with proper Turtle Wax washing condiments, wash mitts and towels, so no worries about half-assed washing methods. It's a free wash, part of Noir's summer sidewalk shows, though tips will be greatly appreciated as proceeds go to the models doing the washing. There will be a couple bands, too, starting at 8 p.m., so if you want a little entertainment to go with your car wash, plan accordingly. Anyway, here's the details:

What: Bikini Car Wash
When: Wednesday, August 19th at 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., followed by a live performance on our sidewalk from local bands at 8pm and 8:30pm
Where: Noir Leather, located in Royal Oak Michigan on the corner of Center and W. 4th Street (the wash will be done on Center Street)

Noir's Contact info:
124 W. 4th Street
Royal Oak, Mi 48220