Rooster Tails From Formula One Cars Are Awesome

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If there’s one thing I love about race cars running in the rain, it’s the entire spectacle of it. There’s always the chaos of running in unpredictable, ever-changing conditions, but rarely do your eyeballs experience anything cooler than the massive rooster tails of water that get thrown up by the cars.

This video taken by a few loyal fans this weekend outside their RV shows exactly the kind of visual insanity I’m talking about. It’s been so wet at Circuit of the Americas this weekend that the rooster tails are massive.

While drivers can’t see in these giant tails of water, they certainly put a cool show on for the fans. It’s a great visual representation of how air moves through an F1 car and why everyone in racing gets worked up about aerodynamics (and specifically, dirty air) all the time. F1 is the series that throws up some of the best.


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