Roll Bar Stress Test: When You Really, REALLY Need To Pass That Triumph!

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A Spec Racer Ford oughta be way faster than a TR6, so you should be able to zip right by on the racetrack... right? Racing tip: always check to see if another SRF is passing you before making your move!

This video is a perennial favorite at 24 Hours of LeMons HQ; those dudes are connoisseurs of crash videos, and it's quite rare to find one in the "slide on the roof for a great distance" genre in which the camera doesn't crap out right after impact. Bonus points for the engine that keeps running after the car slides to a halt.


That was pretty good, but it's more poignant to listen to the anguished howling of a driver who realizes that his Very Expensive Viper is seconds away from an instant 95% depreciation. Hmmm... those interlocking tire walls at Nelson Ledges don't seem to cushion impacts quite as much as advertised.