Rocket Into the Crypt: Graveyard Hoonage Turns Deadly

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Freakin' Hayward, man. Our girlfriend moves there and dumps us. Joe Strummer becomes obsessed with the place and now he's dead. And some guy in a '67 'Vette tries to race a guy through a cemetery in what was probably an SLK, crashes his Sting Ray into a mausoleum and winds up just as stiff as its occupants. We swear, it's just further proof that a Hayward wind blows no good. Meanwhile, we had no idea that the Mercedes "Kompressor" forced-induction system was a turbo, not a supercharger. Freakin' SF Chronicle, man... [Thanks to CTE for the tip.]

Corvette driver dead after Hayward cemetery collision [SF Gate]

Flying Car Bursts into District Area Hechts, Flames [Internal]