Rick Wagoner Announces We May See Chevy Volt Sheetmetal Soon, Eventually

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We were beginning to think GM had developed a masterpiece of long-range marketing with the 2011 Chevrolet Volt program. Let reporters in every once in a while, strategically leak images while actually showing nothing, all the while keeping a late-2010 entry on the lips of every eco-dork in the motoring press. Let them build the buzz for you! Genius. However, with Slick Rick's statement that we'll be getting a look at the production sheetmetal for the Volt, we wonder if they've made a strategic error. What it looks like is practically the only thing we don't know about the car.

Showing it off now is going to be like pulling a Camaro on us: By the time it hits the show floor, we'll be tired of the look. They'll be wasting acres of print space now, rather than revealing it with a flourish and sending it to dealers right away, Apple style. Whatever. We're not paid to come up with strategery, but making fun of it we can do all day. [TopSpeed]