Return of Morris! Longbridge to Resume Building MG-TF

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Good news for the UK auto industry — or at least part of it. Nanjing Automobile, the Chinese carbakery that snapped up most of MG Rover Group's assets, says it's re-starting production of MG cars at the company's Longbridge plant in the UK by mid-2007. The plant's been idle for nearly two years as MG Rover ownership fled East in a big hurry. Longbridge will do mainly assembly work — screwing together parts manufactured in China. The first fruit of the factory will be the long-in-the-tooth MG TF roadster, which will be sold in the UK and China. Might we be seeing the sports-car bargain of Old Blighty, or will the rehabbed model be a steaming pile of crap, its sporting British soul rendered in caricature? Watch this space.

MG-TF Returns to Longbridge [Pistonheads]

Nanjing Sets MG Production Date [internal]