"Designing the Taxi: Rethinking New York City's Movable Public Space" is the new show at the Manhattan gallery of Parsons the New School for Design (Jesus, that's awkward!). Presented by Parsons and the Design Trust for Public Space, the show features future visions that are sure to bring delight or despair to Latka Gravas-types everywhere. We assume there are Latka Gravas types everywhere, anyway. Ideers include narrow, tall taxis with room for four, signage that makes it easier to tell if cabs are occupied or vacant, and one-way glass roofs that allow for a marvelous view of urban surroundings. Says Taxi and Limousine Commission Chair Matthew Matthew W. Daus, "A whole retooling of the back seat experience is under way and is starting to reach fruition." Damns! That's hot!
Imagining the Taxi's Future, With a Nod to Checkers Past [NY Times]
Zoom Zoom's Pedals: The Yamaha Hybrid Taxi [Internal]