A new Speed Channel reality series, in which contestants will compete against each other in a race for pink slips (yes, the loser forfeits ownership of his car) will debut in an abbreviated Webcast tommorrow, March 29th. The Webcast of "Pinks" will appear on racing portal, RacingJunk.com nearly four months ahead of its planned TV launch in July. In the show, racers not only compete on speed, but also negotiate the terms of races, from distance traveled to type of start, track conditions, tires and any other parameters drivers can bust each others' chops over. It's just like "American Grafitti," without an underaged Mackenzie Phillips riding shotgun.
Speed Channel to Premiere its First Online Webisode to RacingJunk.com's Community of Racers [Racing Junk via Transport Trends]
New TV Show Combines Monster Garage Concept with Demolition Derby [internal]