Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach Revise Environmental Plans

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Yesterday was one of the hottest November Sixths we can remember. According to the owner of the bodega, it hit 93 in LA, although we're sure it was a bit cooler in Pedro. Nevertheless, it resulted in some of the worst harbor smog we've seen in the year Jalopnik's Los Angeles bureau has been in operation.

However, plans to ameliorate such events are in the works — according to LA and LBC harbor authorities, 45 percent of the two ports' pollutants will be reduced via some type of Five Year Plan. We only hope that it's a result of serious planning for the ports' future rather than massive breadlines consisting of longshoremen. Also note that our LA office, although a tiny speck, is actually visible in this photo. [Thanks to Scott for the tip.]

Los Angeles area ports revamp proposed air pollution plan [Contra Costa Times]

Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to Clean Up [Internal]