This week at TreeHugger: Austin, TX is pretty durned serious about the plug-in hybrid thing. The secret sauce? The state's many wind turbines pump out more juice at night, when most people aren't driving and could be charging. Kenworth has started producing a hybrid big-rig that uses an electric motor and battery to assist a heavy-duty diesel. Clean Green Cars is a UK driver's guide to efficient motoring, hybrid jargon-busting, and what to look for on the clean-tech horizon. Has the SUV, like global warming itself, become a clich ? Ron Dembo from Zerofootprint weighs the real value of driving a hybrid against some less sexy, but likely more substantial, actions. Love that new car smell? Well it just might be killing you softly. pilots you through the hazards of your auto interior.
[TreeHugger's Perspective Shift roundup appears every Wednesday]