These Are The Weirdest Automotive Press Photos We've Ever Seen

Some press photographers decided to get real weird with it.

When a new car gets unveiled or updated, it usually comes with a slew of fairly standard photos showing off every detail of the car, both broad and minute. For the most part, they aren't terribly interesting pieces of photography, but they don't really have to be. They're just supposed to, you know, show off the car.

However, sometimes automakers take it another step forward and cross into the realm of weird. That's really where the fun begins, and it's the inspiration behind this post.

We've got a really extensive catalog of press photos at our disposal from various websites and other means. Ninety nine percent of these photos are very run-of-the-mill, but not all of them, and we've decided it's time for those types of photos to see the light of day. They deserve just as much, if not more, love than regular pictures.

So, why don't we all sit back, relax and take a look at our favorite weird automotive press photos of all time?

That’s A Tree Apparently

I don't know what this lady is looking at, but it sure as shit isn't the Citroen she's getting into or the weird thing pretending to be a tree behind it.

Last People To Ever Smile In A PT Cruiser

Their body language makes me uncomfortable, but then again, so does this PT Cruiser concept thing.

Do Not Put All These Kids In A Lumina

The Fuck Are You Looking At?

I don't care for her attitude. Her Toronado however? Bitchin'

Dudes Rock

Why would someone do this? Where the hell is this? How did the manage to make an Astrol look sick as fuck?

I Need To Know The Context

Why are the doctors who (I assume) delivered this couple's babies also standing next to an Olds' Omega? What does this mean????


I don't know what's happening here, but they seem happy. That's all that matters.

Pissed Off Russians

The dude standing next to this Lada 1500 S looks a lot like Woody Allen. It's probably why he's so pissed off. Also, what they're wearing is now considered a fit in Brooklyn. Time is a flat circle, isn't it?

Inside And Outside Coming Together

I do not understand the location of this GMC S-100. Are they inside or outside? There is a living room right next to a dirt patch. Why is the fridge on the dirt patch? These are unknowable questions.


This is probably my favorite picture in the entire article. The way this lady is standing next to a Datsun 240K GT and the look on her face are sending me. It's so goddamn funny.

Oh, The Italians

Adoro I Soprani.

Why Are We Here?

I really appreciate how Chrysler decided to park this Fifth Avenue not on Fifth Avenue. Instead, they went for some sort of weird place next to a non-descript river. It's probably not even Manhattan. Also, those people are way too young to be driving that car.

All Cars Should Have Drums

Don't know what the hell is happening in the back of this Adler Diplomat limousine. One thing is for sure, though: I love this guy's vibe.

Very Early-90s

This Talbot ad reminds me of a mall in the '90s. I mean that in a good way.

All These Guys Are Long Dead

Just four of the fellas out for a ride in their Scania-Vabis Type A in 1897. If I had to guess, they were all absolutely terrible people. This is based on what I know about the past. The good news is that they are all very dead.

