Hot Dog Hot Rod Laps Hot Track At Circuit Of The Americas

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Here’s why we love the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile in a nutshell. Back in April, it went for a teeter-tottery drive around Circuit of the Americas. Why? Well, why not? It’s a traveling wiener with a big, smiling bun. The better question is: why wouldn’t you put that on a race track?

The big rolling hot dog is a bit top-heavy, for reasons Oscar Meyer’s marketing department would like you to believe are plump and juicy. Thus, it took a couple minutes longer than even a B-Spec Mazda2 to do a lead-follow lap behind one of COTA’s employees, and the “hotdogger” drivers were a bit hesitant to really open it up.


The Wienermobile made it around all of the track, save for the front straight. This is truly a proud moment in giant replica tube-meats.


While Oscar Meyer probably doesn’t want to hand over the keys to just anyone, I still think it’s just the wurst that we didn’t get a full lap time. Next time the Wienermobile comes to Austin, let’s see what this vehicular delicacy can really do.
