No Idling for You!

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Reports have city officials in Burlington, Vermont set to enforce a law that prohibits idling of internal combustion engines between April 1st and November 1st. Burlington Mayor Bob Kiss said that idling has a cumulative effect on greenhouse gas emissions, and that not idling could reduce emissions in a meaningful way. The fine for non-compliance will be 45 bucks. The twist is that the anti-idling law is already on the books, and has been since 1990. Why the powers that be in Burlington have suddenly decided to hold a press conference on enforce this 17-year old law is reportedly due to increasing public demand to do something about global warming, and has nothing to do with political aggrandizement of any kind. Refrigerated trucks full of Ben & Jerry's or ice-cold Labatts '50s are exempt from anti-idling restrictions.

City Announces No-idling Campaign []

New Proposed Cali Smog Laws Possibly Problematic [Internal]