Why Yes, Co-Driving A Rally Car Is Hard

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Red Bull recently put FC Barcelona soccer star Neymar da Silva Santos Junior in the right seat with two-time World Rally Championship winner Sebastian Ogier. He gets a book of notes to read after he calms down a little bit, but, uh, codriving is really, really hard, man.

Ogier takes Neymar up the Monserrat mountain near Barcelona only to have his codriver stuck not knowing what to do.


There are jobs that you probably couldn't pay me to do and codriving a rally car at speed is one of them. You're constantly being whipped back and forth and you're stuck in there a passenger. It takes a lot of faith in the driver not to kill you both to sit in the passenger seat of anything.


The pressure is intense on a codriver, too. Not only do you need to be able to read your notes in a rough, shaking beast of a rally car at speed, but you need to be able to read them on time and in order. Getting lost in your notes is really easy to do when you're all bouncing around, too.


"Just sit back and enjoy the ride," advises Ogier. Sounds good to me.