A boiled frog, a banjo-picking dentist, a faulty riding mower, a septuagenarian shark hunter, a cold tuna casserole — and maybe, somewhere, a Mercury. Those are among the images FoMoCo's new Web campaign for the Mercury Obtuse (actually, it's for the Mariner, Mercury's answer to the Ford Escape) calls on for dramatic effect. A collection of high-concept videos shot through an art-house lens copped from Luis Bunuel (or "Six Feet Under"),"The Lucky Ones" focuses on a group of people and their misunderstandings, insincerities, angst and, of course, banal aspirations (which, we assume, will be superficially satisfied by buying a Mariner). Don't miss the haunting soundtrack by Stephen Merritt (The Magnetic Fields). Mercury gunning for indie cred? Interesting.
The Lucky Ones [Mercury Mariner]
Mercury Introduces "Meet the Lucky Ones" [Ad Critic]
More Ads/Promotions fun [internal]