When reader Andy sent this tip in, the headline read, "Here's a guy that will burn in hell. I hope." And we're sure there are plenty of New Jersey drivers who would agree to that sentiment. High school teacher Mark Sotardi, generally drives 10 to 15mph under the limit at all times. Now, having only lived in California and Texas, we're not used to driving on snow and ice, and thus took it easy and hung at the limit while driving in Detroit a couple of months back. Needless to say, the Detroiters were less than pleased, and we were a tad self-conscious. But Sotardi? ""I'm good for at least one [middle finger] a day." No shit?
Life in the fast lane just isn't dawdling driver's preferred pace [Home News Tribune]
Obsessin' 'Bout Captain Slow: The Maytrix [Internal]