A New Jersey detective for the Passaic County Police Department, Michael Feritta, is facing additional charges after rolling his jeep down a ski slope, which is not a road, which he drove down because that is a stupid thing to do, and rolling it 20 times.
One of those charges includes child endangerment, because his six-year-old son was in the car when he drove it down a ski slope at the Mountain Creek ski resort (pictured above), which is a stupid thing to do. The child was ejected from the car, according to NJ.com.
Kelly Fertitta, Michael's wife, was also ejected from the car, according to the North Jersey Advertiser-News (which also has some pretty spectacular photos, btw). Fertitta himself somehow managed to get himself wedged in the car and freed by rescuers, after rolling his Jeep 20 times after driving it down a ski slope, which is a stupid thing to do.
Investigators are, of course, looking into whether alcohol played a role in the crash, which would make this an especially stupid thing to do.
Photo credit: Kethera