Felix Sabates is a longtime presence in the NASCAR garage and a part of owner of Earnhardt Ganassi Racing. He also left Cuba in 1959 and moved to the USA.
He also thinks Fidel Castro should be dead. He also doesn't sugar coat things.
Sabates says this because Castro was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer seven years ago:
The chance of him still being alive with that happening is one in 28 billion. I think they shot and killed somebody down there, took out the pancreas and liver, and all those organs… and put them inside Castro. I mean, the SOB should be dead, but he's still alive. So some poor guy in Cuba gave up his life so Castro could live.
Sabates has long been a critic of the Communist Regime in Cuba, but he also doesn't think Castro dying will get rid of it. It's such a fabric of their lives that he can't see it ending anytime soon.
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