As if we needed a new way, other than atmospheric reentry, to accelerate an 8,000lb object to atom-smashing speeds (or a new reason to engage in awkward hyperbole), Edmunds Inside Line is reporting Land Rover will insert a 500hp+ V12 engine, developed by Cosworth, into an upcoming Range Rover. The 6.0-liter twelve-pack is straight from the Aston Martin DB9, making it less inclined to ascend a mountain than descend a zero-to-60 scale. The company aims to compete with a growing number of super-powered SUVs like the twin-turbo Porsche Cayenne, that are tuned more toward sport than utility.
V12 Range Rover Under Development to Take on Cayenne [Edmunds]
Range Rover SUV to Get Aston Martin V12 [internal]