Wide World of Sports Australia is reporting on a taxicab drivers' tall tale that both thrills and delights. According to German cabbie Tuncer Yilmaz, Michael Schumacher was late to the airport after picking up a new puppy for the family, so he did what any self respecting racing god would do, take the wheel himself. In Yilmaz's own words:
"I found myself in the passenger seat, which was strange enough, but to have "Schumi" behind the wheel of my cab was incredible"... "He drove at full throttle around the corners and over-took in some unbelievable places."
For the granting him the pleasure of speedily transporting his wife and two kids, and his new pup, der Regenmeister tipped ye old cabbie a smooth hundred Euros. No small sum considering that's almost enough to buy a house in Detroit these days.[WWOS.co.au]