Mercedes Reveals Sales Numbers: Oh Lordy, Are People Buying A Mercedes-Benz?

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DaimlerChrysler issued sales numbers yesterday for the Mercedes division, and lordy, they don't look so good y'all — at least not for the month. Including their not-so-Smart micro division, they dropped five percent from their April 2005 numbers. The bright side is still the increased-by-two-percent numbers on their year-to-date numbers in Western Europe and the superb increase of 16% year-to-date here in the US. So, the sales number tea leaves are spelling something...things...are...umm...mixed? I guess this whole "Mercedes turnaround" needs a couple more sales periods to continue steeping.

April sales of Mercedes Car Group autos dip 5 percent [Detroit News]

DCX: Mercedes-Benz Sales Up, Smart Sales in Toilet [internal]