That eco-car challenge, named after the Michelin Man — aka Bibendum — carried on over the weekend in Paris, despite the recent death of its champion, Edouard Michelin. The electric rides were palpable. Take, for example, the Courreges ZOOOP (pictured), which revives the Jetsons bubble-car sensibility (also known as the "solar oven") as an electric-powered speedster that can go from zero to 60 in six seconds. But with skyward gas prices, fuel supply concerns and global warming hogging the spotlight this summer, can the members agree on which alternative power source — e.g., electricity, natural gas (CNG), distilled corn, Chanel No5 — will take the mantle from today's GODJ (good,old dino juice)? Good question. [Thanks to Mirko for the tip.]
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Challenge Bibendum Goes on [The Car Connection]