Look How Fancy Car Camping Was In The 1920's

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Forget living in your bathing suit and wearing marshmallow on your face for a few days. Taking your car camping in jolly olde England between the First and Second World Wars required a three-piece suit, driver, and a mobile cottage to rough it in.

The National Motor Museum Trust in Beaulieu, England has just been awarded some grant money to blow the dust off these and other great photos of early-1900's car camping adventures in England. The image above is a A 1922 Armstrong Siddeley with a Piggott caravan in tow.

As Curator of The "Caravan Club Collection," Angela Willis explains; "Ex-war vehicles and surplus parts were sold off by the government at knock-down prices. These became the building blocks of charabancs and trailer caravans, fulfilling the demand for leisure journeys into the next decade."


That created these amazing human-haulers you see here; taking folks on day trips and overnights all over the English countryside.

Charabanc on "Southsea promenade."

Daimler chassis charabanc.

Morris puling a 1928 Eccles camper.

Images: National Motor Museum Trust, Beaulieu