Listen To The First Episode Of Our Car Advice Radio Show

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Image for article titled Listen To The First Episode Of Our Car Advice Radio Show
Graphic: Jason Torchinsky

We did it, everyone! The successful launch of a new radio show all about cars is here. Podcasts are so cliché these days that we went back to terrestrial radio for the true hipster car nerd experience. In this episode I make the connection between fried chicken and the current state of the automotive landscape in America, then answer a bunch of really insightful questions.

You can currently listen to the first episode on Spotify right here! I am working on getting the show available for all podcast apps, but this is the one that is available right now and free to everyone. Hopefully next week it’ll be available everywhere.

I’ll be heading back into the studio tomorrow morning to record the next episode, and once again I need your questions. This time, however, you can call in an ask them yourself if you want. Prepare to leave your detailed question on our voicemail box with our new Google voice number 775-266-8376. Your question may be used on the show as an audio file, so definitely do your worst impression of Arnold Schwarzenegger when asking your question.


If you prefer to write your question out, you can email it to or just drop it in the comments section below this post. I’ll do my best to answer as many questions as I can within the hour timeslot constraints.


If you live in Reno and want to listen live on your radio, tune in to KWNK 97.7 FM every Saturday at 10AM with reruns airing the following Monday. We’ll have two new episodes every month, get it, it’s on at 10 and there are 2 of them. Anyway, the station is also available to listen live all over the globe at


The episode I’m recording tomorrow will broadcast next Saturday, the 28th, and new episodes will drop every other Saturday from then on. This time I’ll be running through a kind of FAQ about electric vehicles, providing some much needed pragmatism to the discussion of America’s timeframe for adopting the new tech. If you have questions about EVs, or any other car-related question, feel free to ask and I’ll try to get it answered tomorrow.

As always, thanks for listening; shoutout to the Tappet Brothers; and see you around the bend.