Whether you think an ad for the new Lincoln LT pickup, which FoMoCo pulled today because of outcry from various interest groups, was clever, ill-conceived or offensive. One thing is clear: Despite how tiny it was on-screen, last year's Superbowl tit has become one fat-ass elephant in the room.
In case you haven't seen it (we haven't) the Lincoln ad that was pulled reportedly features a priest, who mistakenly thinks he's recieved the keys to a new luxury pickup in the collection plate. He spies the Lincoln LT in the church parking lot and is smitten, only to be crestfallen when a male parishoner informs him the man's daughter tithed the vehicle to the now-erstwhile father trucker in error. The ad ends with the priest inserting the letters "L" and "T" on a sign outside the church, informing parishioners the next week's sermon will be on the subject of "LUST." Groups advocating for those who've been sexually abused by priests objected to the concept of a "lustful clergyman" being in such close proximity to a small child.
Ford Motor Company pulled the ad rather than risk a fiasco on par with the 2004 Tit that Ate CBS incident. Recently, Chevrolet pulled an ad for the 2005 Corvette that portrayed a child dreaming of racing a new 'Vette through the streets of New York City. Groups claimed the ad glamorized reckless driving.
Regardless of one's opinion of taste, one thing is certain: mainstream ads will continue to move further and further toward the zone of safety, as more risque or darkly humorous ads are banished to the online realm, which will inevitably become a new battleground. It's proven that those who would sanitize media to protect children from exposure to adult-oriented messages have no lack of organization, power or public support. When, we ask, will someone speak up for the adults in the room?
Ford forced to pull 'lustful' clergy ad from Super Bowl [Media Bulletin]
Chevrolet Pulls Plug on Dream Corvette Ad [internal]