Landmaster Returns from Post-Apocalyptic Disrepair

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The reason Damnation Alley didn't make a whole lot of sense back when we saw it in the theatre was that the projectionist ran the reels of this 1977 cinema gem 1-3-4-2. We're still confused. What we do remember is George Peppard driving all over a mixed up apparition of a post-nuclear southern California in the Dean Jeffries Landmaster. Jeffries took the then and still crazy sum of 400 large and brought forth the mighty Landmaster specifically for the film. The Landmaster was indeed tough, and has survived despite the apocalypse that was Damnation Alley's box office take. Look for the unveiling of the restored Landmaster and Dean Jeffries himself at the upcoming San Francisco Rod, Custom & Motorcycle Show.

San Francisco Rod, Custom & Motorcycle Show [External]

Sci-Fi Survivor: The Landmaster; GMC PAD Takes Design Prize; When TV was King of Kustoms [Internal]
