Join Jalopnik On Facebook, Win "The Lexus Story"

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Want to win this copy of The Lexus Story? We'll randomly select a winner from the commenters on the "The Lexus Story" thread on our official Jalopnik Facebook fan page. Details below.

Micki Maynard, former New York Times' Senior Business and Detroit Correspondent, is leaving the paper of record to become the editor for the Upper Midwest Local Journalism Center. Obviously a great time for cleaning house, she sent us her old car swag and we're giving it away all this week. Yesterday was a Djembe drum. Today? A copy of the book "The Lexus Story." How exciting!


As we attempt to build the next generation of auto enthusiasts, we've got to find a way to get the pro-Jalopnik message out to the not-yet-car-loving masses. What better way for you to help spread the message to your friends — as loyal soldiers in the Jalopnik army — than Facebook?


All you have to do is head over and join our official Facebook page and drop a comment on the "The Lexus Story" thread there (not here!). Your comment serves as an entry into a random drawing for the book, which has 232 pages and more than 200 photographs and illustrations. All you have to do is join and comment.


Our standard contest rules apply.


FYI: we turned off comments on this post so as not to confuse folks who don't read instructions well. If you want to win you have to comment on the thread on Facebook, NOT HERE! That is all.