Jizzmobile For Sale: Gurney/Savage 'Cuda AAR

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Oh Christ. Where do we begin with this? We would sell our cerebellum for this car. We would donate our eardrums to the Helen Keller Institute. We would dig up the corpse of Divine and engage in sexual relations with it. We would agree never to listen to Jane's Addiction's "Ocean Size" again. We would move to Parsons, Kansas. We would glue pictures of all of our ex-girlfriends to the inside of a pair of glasses and then weld them to our cranium. We would do all of that, just to make sweet, sweet vehicular love to this ex-Dan Gurney/Swede Savage Trans Am Cuda AAR. Frankly, the owner should just give it to us for loving it so much.

Dan Gurney/Swede Savage Cuda AAR [Vintage Motorsport]

1971 Hemi Cuda Sold for $2 Million