Jalopnik Poll: How Much for the Zap Smart on eBay?

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With DaimlerChrysler saying it won't do business with prospective US Smart car importer, Zap, it would seem the California company's fate is sealed (and not in a good way). Still, with market demand solid enough for DCX to propose building a Smart for the US market by 2007, we'd expect the cars Zap has already federalized will command a premium from consumers. One Zapified Smart, a cabrio model, is for sale on eBay, with 50% of proceeds going to charity. So how much will it bring in? Take our latest poll after the jump. [Thanks to Zap-watcher General, Curtis for the tip.]

How much will Zap's Smart cabrio sell for on eBay?
0 to $15,000
$15,001 to $20,000
$20,001 to $25,000
$25,001 to $30,000
$35,001 to $40,000
Over $40,000
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Related: First Zap Smart Car Delivered to Reno Couple [internal]