Jalopnik FAQ

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  1. What is a blog, and how is it different from a regular news site?
  1. The short answer: the new stuff is always at the top of the page! Also, we have no pretensions to objectivity — no editorial board, no assigning editor, and no delays. We publish in real time. Weblogs are biased, personal, and funky. For a terribly serious answer, see Weblogs: A History and Perspective.
  2. Can I subscribe to your email newsletter?
  3. Soon. Very, very soon! Maybe.
  4. You seem to be biased. Did you guys not learn anything from Journalism 101: Bias is a Four-Letter Noun?
  5. C mon. Fence sitting is for that kid down the block with the handkerchief full of gold spray paint over his nose. Bias is fun! Some vehicles are more to our liking than others we happen to like fast, fun cars that are elegantly rendered and imaginatively packaged, despite the near-impossibility of that happening in this climate of insurance-indentured regulatory bodies and idiot consumers of both sexes with penis envy. That s the long answer. The short answer is who is Millard Fillmore.
  6. I want to send you something secret about the Big Three, but I don t want to be sued/fired.
  7. Not a problem. We publish all tips anonymously — unless someone says PRINT MY NAME WITH THIS! (So far, no one's said that.) Send an email from an unsupervised terminal, from a private email account (Hotmail and Yahoo are your friends). It would take a blown-out tranny, a really pissed-off judge, or Jesse James from Monster Garage wielding a scythe to get us to name sources. We believe the New York State Constitution and New York Civil Rights Law should shield online reporters just as well as it shields print reporters.
  8. Can we buy ads on Jalopnik to get you to say nice things about my car company? Can I buy an ad to get you to stop talking smack about my cars?
  9. N-freaking-O. Once a week Jalopnik publishes a thank-you to advertisers, which is always clearly marked as such, and any sort of sponsored content will always be clearly labeled. We welcome and pioneer creative advertising projects, and we love working with advertisers but that doesn't mean we will ever allow any confusion between our editorial content and advertisements. We might be inclined to do other things in exchange for an 05 Lotus Elise, however (in Krypton Green).
  10. What is it about truck-sized SUVs you find so offensive how can you call yourselves Americans? You obviously don t live in a red state.
  11. Listen, we ve got no problem with people who buy those friggin things because they need them hell, I d love to need a Range Rover on my commute. But answer me this: How many cardiologists or plumbing contractors piloting Hummer H2s or Cadillac Escalades on I-95 work the Abqaiq oil fields in Saudi Arabia or the eastern face of Mount Hood? Were it not for misguided tax deductions for small-business owners, founded on a weight-based regulation loophole, those DVD-equipped taco wagons wouldn t even exist. Maybe if people started buying cars again, automakers would start building more cars worth both driving and looking at then they d figure out how to make some damn money at it without de-facto corporate welfare. Of course, Jalopnik will certainly feature such large-ass vehicles from time to time, sometimes even without snide commentary, and mostly sporting 20 dubs. Our readers come first, especially after a dry spell.
  12. Why do you swear so much? It's getting boring.
  13. Well, part of that is probably a reaction to the fact that most auto magazines still won't print the F-word. We're overcompensating! Also, we have filthy fucking mouths.
  14. Seriously, who publishes this thing and what is it?
  15. Jalopnik is published by Gawker Media. Other titles published by Gawker Media include Fleshbot, Defamer, Jalopnik, Wonkette, Gizmodo, Kotaku, and oddly enough, Gawker. It's like a little internet version of those magazine publishing houses, except without the millions of dollars in overhead. And without the million dollars in income. Mike Spinelli is the editor in charge of Jalopnik, which means he writes what's on the site and has authority about what all goes on it. Nick Denton is the overall publisher of all the sites, which means he pays the server bill and probably shops for cars online while we re working.