Bahamas police are investigating the posting of photos of victims from the site of a recent business jet crash to social media. The Learjet 36 hit a crane at the Grand Bahama Shipyard while flying in bad weather on Sunday, November 9th, and killed 9 people.
The plane had departed from Nassau about an hour before the crash, according to AvWeb, and was on final approach to the airport at Freeport, Grand Bahama. Witnesses said the plane exploded on impact, sending the debris into a junkyard below. But it could be those same witnesses who are now in hot water, after photos of the deceased victims ended up on social media. Assistant Commissioner of Police Patrick Seymour said:
"It is a despicable act and we are pursuing an investigation into it. It is so distasteful for people to really take advantage of these unfortunate situations by sending out all these photographs all over the worldwide web for everyone to see, without regard for the victims' family. I want to ask them to cease. We are pursuing the investigation and wherever we find there is a breach we will take appropriate action against them. Not only this particular matter, but we are looking at all such incidents to see how we can get to the bottom of it...
It is sad that Bahamians would try to take advantage of the misfortune of others by parading people's picture over the social media for others to see for the fun of it. I get irate when I see things like that happening. I am asking persons to respect the sanctity of the victims and their families, if you have any bit of humanness in you. We will pursue the matter and whoever we find culpable we will take action against them."
Photos of the victims were posted immediately after the crash, including a man with a partially crushed skull. The victims included Dr. Myles Munroe, leader of the Bahamas Faith Ministries, his wife, Ruth, along with other members of their congregation. They were on their way to a Global Leadership Forum in Freeport, Grand Bahama, where Munroe was scheduled to speak to pastors from over 60 countries.
Source: Tribune 242
Top photo: Lear 36, by Tyler Rogoway of Foxtrox Alpha