Is There Such A Thing As Automotive Perfection?

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Harry Truman was fond of telling a story about the head of the U.S. Patent Office, who suggested the Senate cut funding for the office because almost everything had been invented already. This was in the early part of the 19th century. And though the story actually stretches the truth a bit, it does make us wonder if there's a point where physics and technology will limit just how much better a car can appreciably get. With leaked GT-R Spec V stats and news of a GT-R sedan we wonder if Nissan isn't testing those limits just a bit. Is there an ultimate, affordable, high-performing, quirkless vehicle ceiling?

Would we even want that? What would a car without quirks be like? Would that be any fun? The 2009 Corvette ZR1 is wicked, but it's not ideal if you've got to move something. How would you even define perfection? Is it measurable? Is it a feeling? Is it subjective or objective? There's a lot to pour through here, but it's Monday and you weren't really working anyways.
