Irish Version Of Fast And The Furious Involves Horses

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Admittedly, this isn't an official Irish film adaptation of the American franchise The Fast And The Furious. These are "Irish Travelers" conducting a horse race in the middle of a busy highway as police impotently try to stop them. But it has the same feel — only with a strange Irish Gaelic/Roma patois replacing the energy drink-infused exclamations.

What you're witnessing is an "Irish gypsy horse race" that almost turns into a disaster as the police unsuccessfully attempt to force them off the road. Fellow Travelers form a protective barrier around the leading horse and driver. We assume they're the winners but it's hard to follow the conversation post-race.

Another film this short video reminds me of is John Michael McDonagh's great black comedy The Guard. In it, Brenden Gleeson plays a Sergeant in the Garda who eschews the normal formality of police work and takes drugs, has sex with prostitutes, and otherwise ignores the smaller crimes.


When you live in a place like this isn't it better not to interfere if your interference just makes things worse?