Inside Line Gets Around to SEMA Recap

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It's been a damn slow news week, so the folks at Edmunds' Inside Line finally got around to posting Ken Gross' rah-rah portrait of the SEMA Show, despite the fact that it was teeming with more idiots than ever before; having seemingly turned the corner from a great industry gathering where a lot of business gets done into a bloated corpse of fetid, festering lameness. It's a surprisingly fine line, and we hope the SEMA people stop believing the brown-nosing hype that writers like Gross are spewing and bring it back to its former glory. For our coverage of the show, click here. For more T&A video action, (which seemed a cut below years past), click here and here. Or, if you're a Specialty Equipment Market Association employee, click below and keep believing the hype.

SEMA: The Hot-Rod Attitude [Inside Line]

Oh Crap. Not Vegas. Not Again. [Internal]