This Is The Best Place You Can Possibly Stick A Reminder In A Race Car

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Everyone knows that the only gauge that really matters in a race car is the tachometer, so why not remind yourself not to be an idiot right on the gauge? Let's be honest, the temptation for full-on stupidity is real in the heat of a race. This reminder is far more relevant than it may seem.

This comes from Rally Badger, a team who plans to debut a Porsche 944S2 at the Rally of the 100 Acre Wood at the end of February. Curiously, the car is #951 (the model number given for the 944 Turbo), but the number seems to predate the team's 944 ownership. I like the S2 the most, anyway. Huge naturally-aspirated inline-fours for the win!

Anyway, head over to their Instagram for awesome pics of a 944S2 in the right color (not that I own a red 944 or anything, it's just the right color) being prepped for stage rally. I can't wait to see this car in action.
