Please Do Not Ride A Motorcycle In Just A Thong [NSFW]

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A motorcycle is a ridiculously fun, but inherently dangerous way to get around. Luckily, you can dramatically reduce your risk of injury on a bike by wearing proper gear. I mean screw that though when you could use the back seat to show the world what your mamma gave ya!

NSFW because it's a bethong'ed butt, and that kind of thing might not fly in your shop (bummer!) (see what I did there?!)

As for the "Hotel California" playing in the cameraman's car (on accordion?)... I just don't know what to tell you.


All I know is, for the love of jalopchrist, please do not ride a motorcycle in just a thong.


Do not ride a motorcycle in just a thong, in case you're skimming this for more pictures of girls in thongs (there are other places on the internet that will get you there faster.)


Joking aside, this video really makes me cringe. You lose so much of your body a minor fall at low speed with jeans on. This woman is wearing pretty much nothing. If she comes off this vehicle, she's going to disintegrate.


At that point she might as well let the guy keep the helmet on, then at least his eyes would be protected from the barrage of rocks and bugs coming at his face and he might be somewhat less likely to crash.

I hope these two made it home to their parents alright, where the young woman's father gave her an extremely stern talking to about decision making and her boyfriend caught a backhand.