I Got One Thing To Say About The 2020 Hyundai Sonata: Damn

"That llama really makes those leggings look good," "Richard Spencer sure makes some good points and isn't even remotely punchable," and "This motor oil really takes the sting out of my usual enema cocktail" are all sentences that no one has said before. And now you can add, "Damn, the new Hyundai Sonata looks amazing" to that list as well.

The new sedan's looks have been called out before, but now that I've gotten to see it in person, I'm floored. Previous iterations of the Sonata have been handsome and inoffensive, but this one is something else. It's sleek, low, aggressive and the daytime running lights are freaking sweet. Also, that hood curvature urngh. This is a Hyundai that would make me do a double-take on the street.

The new styling, of course, is no coincidence. The SUV, truck and crossover boon has really hurt American sedan sales, so other automakers like Toyota, Lexus and Volkswagen are stepping it up, making their sedans super sexy in order to entice buyers.

Just look at the new Lexus ES, the Volkswagen Arteon, the Toyota Camry (now with 300 horsepower as an option!) and the Avalon (which has a TRD version) if you don't believe me. Gone are the days where you'd get one of these things just because you want the 10-year warranty. You'd buy these sedans because you actually like the way they look.

And now there's this new, big-grille Sonata, which will also get a performance version eventually.

This is good. Very good, in fact. It signifies that certain automakers, at least, won't let sedans die without a fight first. So if that means stylish and more aggressive versions of previously mundane sedans coming to market, then I'm here for it. Make poor Han eat his words. After all, we can't do more than play the game.

Give yourself over to the Hyundai that you always knew lived in your heart. And maybe see about never putting a front plate on it.

