Hulk Hogan, also known as Terry Bollea, is being sued by John Graziano, the passenger of the 1998 Toyota Supra that was wrecked by his Supra-loving son, Nick Hogan. Graziano's lawyer filed suit against the Hulkster yesterday after the wreck last August left Graziano with severe head trauma.
Graziano's attorney will be seeking millions of dollars from Hogan & Co. The attorney says that Hulk and his estranged wife, Linda, as parents of Nick Bollea, are liable for his idiotic actions as he was only the tender age of 17 at the time of the crash. That crash left Graziano requiring care for the rest of his life. Did we also mention Graziano allegedly wasn't wearing his seatbelt at the time of the wreck. [AP]